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Public Domain Movies
Arizona Stage Coach
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In the midst of some friendly horseplay on their -Flying R- ranch, the Range Busters, Crash Corrigan (Ray Corrigan), Dusty King (John King) and Alibi Terhune (Max Terhune), are sobered by the arrival of a buckboard bearing their old friend Larry Meadows (Forrest Taylor) and his niece Dorrie Willard (Nell O'Day). Meadows seeks their aid against a gang of outlaws terrorizing his town. Ernie Willard (Riley Hill as Roy Harris), Dorrie's brother, has been taken in by Tex Laughlin (Stanley Price) who is using the Willard ranch as an undercover for his real occupation as a member of a gang of outlaws led by Tim Douglas (Charles King), a supposed friend of the Willards. |
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